
王中王铁算盘开奖结果 Facility Use & Rental

The primary purpose of 王中王铁算盘开奖结果 facilities is to serve the instructional programs and activities of the College. However, when not required for College use, facilities may be available for use in accordance with the College鈥檚 current fee schedule and other relevant terms and conditions (please see 王中王铁算盘开奖结果 Procedures Manual 搂601 for a complete list of terms and conditions related to the use of College facilities).

Only those requests that specifically relate to or advance the College's mission will be given consideration, and no arrangements shall be made that interfere with or operate to the detriment of the College or its educational programs and activities.

Requests to use an 王中王铁算盘开奖结果 facility, including the Conference Center in the Melbourne Campus Student Union, are coordinated by various 王中王铁算盘开奖结果 employees based on whether it's an external request from a non-employee or an internal request from someone who works for the college.

For External Requests: Complete the online form for external organizations to request use of an 王中王铁算盘开奖结果 Facility at least 60 days before the scheduled event.

External Organizations: Facility Request Form

For questions about requests from external organizations, contact Jackie Pellmann at 321-433-5947 or pellmannja@easternflorida.edu

For Internal Requests: 王中王铁算盘开奖结果 employees should contact the campus representative where the facility is located.
Cocoa: Diane Taylor, 321-433-7182 or taylord@easternflorida.edu
Melbourne: Judy Lockridge, 321-433-5502 or lockridgej@easternflorida.edu
Palm Bay: Dorothy Belton, 321-433-5152 or beltond@easternflorida.edu
Titusville: Cheryl Whalen, 321-433-5078 or whalenc@easternflorida.edu

The internal review process can take up to 60 days. View the current Fee Schedule as you plan your request. The usage charge will always include the facility fee, security fee and custodial fee, and may include an information technologies (IT) support and energy surcharge. The energy surcharge will apply for any use that takes place on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

In addition, users are generally required to provide adequate liability insurance (naming 王中王铁算盘开奖结果 as an additional insured), as well as a required damage deposit of $1,000 prior to use.

General Conditions for Use of College Facilities

  1. Users of College facilities shall comply at all times with all use agreement terms, directives of College officials, College procedures and policies, including without limitation College Procedure 606 titled 鈥淔ree Speech and Expression on College Property,鈥 and state and federal law.
  2. Users of College facilities shall agree in advance to abide by all local, state, and federal laws, rules, and regulations, and all College policies and procedures.
  3. Use of College facilities shall not: (i) invade the rights of others to be secure and let alone, or be reasonably foreseen to do so; (ii) materially disrupt or cause substantial disorder to the College鈥檚 educational environment, or be reasonably foreseen to do so; or (iii) cause an undue burden on College staff or resources, or be reasonably foreseen to do so; or (iv) pose an undue security or liability risk to the College, or be reasonably foreseen to do so.
  4. Requests from individuals or organizations (or their affiliates) who have previously used College facilities, and: (i) caused damage or injury to person(s) or property; (ii) failed or refused to obey applicable laws or College policies, procedures, or regulations; (iii) failed or refused to pay required fees or other charges or honor any legal obligations; and/or (iv) otherwise failed or refused to cooperate with College officials and/or other lawful authorities shall be denied.
  5. No person may enter onto College property possessing a firearm or other weapon, except specifically as allowed by law or College policy or procedure.
  6. Fees will be charged in accordance with the rates published in the College鈥檚 fee schedule. The College reserves the right to make pricing changes without prior written notice.
  7. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited on College property unless approved in advance by the College President. For alcohol-approved events, the user shall be responsible for obtaining necessary licenses, adequate staffing and supervision, and liquor-liability insurance coverage naming the College as an additional insured.
  8. Smoking is prohibited on College property except in designated smoking areas.
  9. Users of College facilities may not use the name of the College, nor its photos, likenesses, logos, or trade or service marks in any advertisements or promotional materials, in any form or medium, without the express written advance consent of the College.
  10. Audio-visual equipment and materials are intended to support and supplement the College's curriculum. The existence of equipment in College facilities does not mean the user has the right to use it. Further, the College reserves the right to have trained College staff operate any and all technical equipment at the user's expense. Rates and fees for use of facilities are available from the designated event scheduler.
  11. Funeral services are prohibited on College property. A funeral service is a ceremony that takes place with the body of the deceased present, or the cremated remains. A memorial service without the body or cremated remains present may be permitted.
  12. The College may require users to provide security and/or pay security-related expenses, including but not limited to reimbursement for the services of College security personnel, as determined by the College to be reasonably necessary and appropriate for the requested use at the College's sole and absolute discretion.
  13. When using College facilities, an individual or organization may be required to make an advance deposit, post a bond and/or obtain insurance to protect the College against cost or other liability.
  14. When the College grants permission to an individual or organization to use its facilities, it is with the express understanding and condition that the individual or organization assumes full responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from such use and agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the College against any loss or damage claim arising out of such use.
  15. Authorization for use of College facilities shall not be considered an endorsement of or approval of any individual or organization using the facility nor the purposes they represent.